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for the ladys

the last engineer

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thought the ladys might like this one.............................. :lol:


My man, not happy with my mood swings, bought me a mood ring

the other day so he would be able to monitor my attitude.


When I'm in a good mood it turns green. When I'm in a bad mood it

leaves a big firkin' red mark on his forehead.


Maybe next time he'll buy me a diamond.............





on a side note rings throught the nose have their uses too :blink: .................. if your brave enough right ..

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sorry Dan, my apols for not geting back on the shot, it would seem the price of product, export and paper work involved (this end not yours) is a royal pain and not worth it.


plus having my mother and son in town for a month is killing me, pulling my hair out i am ( no cracks required).


keepingthe peace is a major deal here at the mo; ,now i know why i left the flamming country :lol::lol::/



Martin , talk at you soon Dan :lol:

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sorry Dan, my apols for not geting back on the shot, it would seem the price of product, export and paper work involved (this end not yours) is a royal pain and not worth it.


plus having my mother and son in town for a month is killing me, pulling my hair out i am ( no cracks required).


keepingthe peace is a major deal here at the mo; ,now i know why i left the flamming country :lol::lol::/



Martin , talk at you soon Dan :lol:



:lol: B) :lol::lol: alright baldy, keep your hair on :D






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