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trumps liberty university speech


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I think most people tend to get there thoughts about people second hand from the media when if they took the time to see and listen to what these people are actually saying then they would think a little differently about them.


I have listened to a some of Trumps speeches and whilst I do not agree with all that he says a lot of what he says does make good sense to lots of people you could say the same about speeches by Mrs May and Mr Corbyn people spout off there thought on all of these people without having the slightest idea what the people actually said or in what context it was said.

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We are being manipulated to think Trump is dangerous in the Whitehouse in the same way we have been told that Russia is our enemy ever since the second world war, neither is true, in fact it can be said that Russia gives a lot of balance to the political world, without them how far would the USA of gone in pursuit of their own aims.

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When I hear trump speak, the message is one of trying to achieve, instead of accepting failure, its always a message of hope, he is not a political agitator, he is not a race agitator, he actually wants to get a good job done, its pretty black and white and I like that.


When he sacked comey, he spoke of making an appointment that would bring back the spirit and prestige of the f.b.i.

Edited by wandringstar
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