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Canadian Geese on spring barley

steve d

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Any of the PW massive got any tips for deterring Canadian Geese from grazing on spring barley?

Had a plea from one of my farmers last thursday about the geese settling in on his barley, ive been up there every day since at all times of the day and shot 11 so far.

Trouble is that I cant be there all day everyday, when I am there, they do the classic lift off as one when a shot is fired and then steadily return in dribs and drabs over the next half hour.

Ive shot them with the 12g 3" steel No 2 and 243. The farmer has gas guns out that have the same effect sometimes they just flinch when they go off and then settle back down.He also walks them off whenever he sees them(he doesnt shoot and doesnt like to know about anything that is killed, he just wants the problem to go away, however that happens!) so Im happy non lethal methods are not working IAW the general licence.

Apart from the **** everywhere, theyre mullering the crop.

The problem(and the blessing at the right time of year :good:) with this permission is its 200yds from a wetland nature reserve, where the geese spend a lot of time, so no matter how many I shoot, theres always 100's more waiting to join the clique!

After problems with huge flocks of Brent geese for many years, with winter sown wheat the farmer thought he'd try spring barley, but the canadas seem intent on spoiling his plan.

Anybody ever used swan decoys, the yanks seem to rate them and in my carp fishing days, witnessed many a ruck with swans chasing geese all over the lake-usually taking out all 3 lines with them too!

Not sure how many i'd need for this 60 acre bit they seem to like the most though.

Any help appreciated


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The few Canadas we have on the cereals don't seem deterred by swans, almost the opposite, they seem to draw them in.

In my experience a loose dog can deter them more than noise, especially if they are regularly hassled by it.

Scarecrows, flags and the like don't seem to work.

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