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ive just bought my lad a second hand investarm 28bore, i have a few little niggles with it, firstly its quite hard to open in that the lever has to be pushed right to the very last before it opens and even then its stiff, and secondly when its shut it doesn't quite shut as tight as i would like it to, ............any info on helping me fix these problems would be great.



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ive just bought my lad a second hand investarm 28bore, i have a few little niggles with it, firstly its quite hard to open in that the lever has to be pushed right to the very last before it opens and even then its stiff, and secondly when its shut it doesn't quite shut as tight as i would like it to, ............any info on helping me fix these problems would be great.





there not the best of guns i had one for 2 days and sold it,the lever has to be pushed right forward to cock it and mine did not shut right up as well.

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Any gun should have as much 'bite' as possible to hold it securely tight when closed.


The slide needs to fit into the lumps of the barrels as far as possible. This means the top lever needs to use all its travel to move the slide sufficiently to release the barrels. The gun when 'snapped shut, as you would in the field, should just allow the top lever to sit in line with the back strap. If by closing the gun slowly and carefully it doesn't quite come to its correct position it is because it is still 'new' and needs use to bed it in. These are good, not bad, points.


Any gun should not allow the top lever to sit in line with the backstrap if before closing a human hair is inserted between action face and barrels face. If it still closes normally the gun is, in my opinion, loose and will soon need tightening.

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thanks fellas, yep i know its not the best gun in the world its just a startrer for my young un, but saying that i do want the basics right ie; opening and shutting.


if before closing a human hair is inserted between action face and barrels face. If it still closes normally the gun is, in my opinion, loose and will soon need tightening......mry716 id'e say yes you could get a hair between, how would i tighten it up

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I was suggesting your gun was tight rather than loose.


I just added the comment about a hair as any newish gun should when closed normally leave the top lever at between 25 past to half past (clock face) and with a human hair inserted and closed slowly the fit should be such that holding the barrels off the face doesnt allow the top lever to go much past 1/4 past to 20 past.


If your gun is such that there is sufficient gap to add a hair yet still close easily that could be down to bad manufacture but as it is still not allowing the top lever to work smoothly and freely I feel the gun really needs looking at by a gunsmith. This will afford peace of mind esp when being used by your offspring.


I doubt there is much wrong and perhaps a simple strip, clean, grease and reassemble may just about sort it.

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