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Partridge pen location

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Hi Pete,

We have a few out on the shoot that are at various positions. I would consider the following for starters:

Not in a frost pocket.

Not in an area where there is a constant wind.

Make sure you have sufficient side panels in your pens for shelter from wind rain snow and sun! Including shelter from a direct downpour as rain + wind = dead birds.

Electric fence is a must imo.

Think about where you want to drive the birds from/to as the birds will consider the release area to be a rough home base if there is food and water/shelter.

We release ours in small groups of about 10 at a time, but they usually end up in a couple of big coveys!


I hope this helps.


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I'd just simply say round the edges, more so to make life simple for building pens, releasing birds and feeding.

U don't say wot crop it is?

I'd be tempted to have it half in half out of crop and mibbee sighted to give a sheltered sunny area on the short grass so the partridges can sun themselves out of the wind

Also set up the same outside the pen as in it, wether bales shelters/tin and feeders/drinkers.


I wouldn't be just as bothered about frost/snow etc as by rights ur birds should be all released by then but it will depend on ur plans for call birds.

Also red legs will run on o the flushing point so I wouldn't worry too much if not on flushing point but go for easier access

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