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Can a 6.5mm .623 bullet be used instead of a .264 when reloading.


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I ordered some 6.5mm bullets (Heads) and when they arrived they were .263 instead of .264. I know .264 can be used in .263 but can it be done the other way around and if so what are the pitfalls.


Please don't pander to the resident idiots. If they don't know what you're talking about, they probably aren't qualified to help you.


Thank you.


Edit: for what it's worth, I would say it's probably fine, safety-wise. I've played around with oversized cast bullets in the past and provided you keep an eye open for pressure signs, they work well enough. Under-sized bullets - well - they probably won't be as accurate, but I doubt you'll have any pressure issues since the process of engraving the bullet should deform the gilding metal into the grooves and 0.001" isn't much. However, I've never tried it and others here are more qualified than I to comment, so I look forward to hearing their experience.

Edited by neutron619
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