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Questions Questions Questions... Bit of advice... try the search bar


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Check PW every night after work to view new posts. Seen so many threads from new members and old asking for advice, followed by this has been asked before, try post :lol:?. Viewed today's post from weejohn about floating barrel, seen mentioned lots of times but never paid much attention to. Then thought what is a floating barrel. Was going to add a new post and ask the question but thought try the search bar..... Got the answer straight away from previous posts. :rolleyes::lol:

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I agree to a certain extent, however when I brought up a similar comment a while back it was pointed out that due to the "limited" scope of a shooting forum the same questions will pop up over and over again. To just do a search or point out threads that answer the question does limit the banter and progression of thoughts and discussions. Hope this makes sense.


So which is better, .177 or .22?

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I agree to a certain extent, however when I brought up a similar comment a while back it was pointed out that due to the "limited" scope of a shooting forum the same questions will pop up over and over again. To just do a search or point out threads that answer the question does limit the banter and progression of thoughts and discussions. Hope this makes sense.


So which is better, .177 or .22?



Which is better .177 or .22? is a bit like asking how long is a piece of string..... Thread will go on and on. :good::good:

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If every person on here used the search bar for everything they needed to know, then it would be a very quiet forum


You got to remember it is a shooting forum, it would be abit pointless having a forum if you were frowned apon for asking questions.


You might has well have just built up a knowledge base of questions and answers, then host it on the web for people to read.

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