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Mink Cubby Set with Trap Bedded In

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This post is to give those a with a wish to catch mink an idea of how to make a cubby set. I am using a Victor #1 which is the closest I have to a Fenn Trap. I would suggest that you dye and wax your traps as this helps to eliminate scent and keeps them fireing fast and clean, even in the cold and freezing rain.


See Here:



I did this set in the garden area up at the house although it is the same anywhere. The cubby can be made of rock, brick, or wood. Pre-made wood ones dropped out and around where you are going to be trapping work very well.


You will need;



3inch x 3inch wax paper

dirt shaker


My dirt shaker is a peanut butter jar (plastic) with 1/4 inch holes drilled in the lid.



Since this was from scratch I used some old bricks to build a cubby.



After the cubby walls are in place..... wide enough to accept the trap....remove a dish of dirt from the rear of the cubby, so your trap will sit in the dish and the jaws be just below 1/8 inch the surounding dirt.



Once the trap is in the dish and sitting firm use your trowel to bring dirt around the outside edges of the trap. This keeps the trap stable.




Place your 3 inch square wax paper over the pan. This keeps dirt from getting under the pan preventing the trap from fireing.



Now gently sift dirt...from peanut butter jar......over the entire trap until it is lightly covered and unseen.



Mink do not necessarily need bait, however I like to bait with an oily fish. Sardines or makeral work well. Place one at the back of the cubby...represented by the white stone.



Here is the cubby finished off with an opening to allow the target spiecies.



This is the trap being fired after it has been covered and baited.




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I can see them


Very informative and nicely done NTTF


You got any of the little blighters yet?


Mungler unless the "Little Chicken Thieving Varmits" are actually in the coops it is they wrong time of the year to harvest them here. Our trapping season start the 25th of October and runs till 15th of January. I do not have a large problem on our farms so will probably only harvest 20 this upcoming season.


On top of that I hope to harvest 2000 raccoons, 150 muskrats, 20 beaver and 10 fox and coyote. I may have to adjust that as the season draws nearer, but that is a very sustainable harvest outlook at present.


Will post a couple of other sets up now that we have the pic problem sorted.



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