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Never a dull moment!

Lord Geordie

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I returned from work last week to find the house alarm was "had" been going off for several hours! Chris was in his room completely oblivious as usual. So I punched the code into the box! But the box was dead? :hmm: 


out comes the test meter and yup, voltage there at the transformer so pops the main fuse onto the meter for a continuity test and bingo! Popped a new 1a fuse in and it fired up, shuts down the external box and all is well with the world! 


Roll on to last night and we suffer a power cut! Nothing unusual in that, except the alarm once again trips the instant the power goes off :hmm: out came the meter again and tests the charger feed plug, The battery is only 5 year old as I replaced it previously, but the output from the board is 0.04v ? :hmm: 


Pop the charger circuit fuse out to test! Blown! I assume this also blew when the main fuse went, but not being glass you can't see the filament inside. So having already used my last 1a quick blow, I am trying to come up with a solution! Drill the fuse and solder in a new wire? :hmm:


so anyway I then Decide to remove the Battery and charge it manually only to find the bottom has blown out! So it appears that I had a spike either from the mains, or from the battery blowing! I have now had to place an order for new fuses, and will have to find a new battery too. 


Think I will rig up a makeshift 12v feed out of some 18650s for tonight so I can at least get some uninterrupted sleep ? 


On a a positive note, the house is almost never unoccupied anyway as chris doesn't leave the house. I think he may be agoraphobic! Suffers anxiety and feels like he is going to vomit when he steps outside the door? So the alarm is not too important. 

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