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Browning XBolt Varmint barrel chop.


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Have a Swaro DS scope so changing from the Zeiss and before fitting im going to get the barrel chopped,threaded and re-crowned and was wondering what length was best?

Anyone had theirs done and the results post chop?

Its 24inch the now and was planning on taking down to 20.Cheers.

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19 minutes ago, tignme said:

Had my x bolt chopped after a year old. Down to 20 ins and very little to tweak to zero. 

Absolutelty no difference  in performance, I tweaked my homeloads a bit and the roe and foxs don't know.

Spot on bud,thats all i need to know,cheers.


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Maybe run it through a Ballistics Programme to see the difference.  I have a 14 inch HMR and a 22 inch 204 so like short barrels, I think legally you would be safer at 22 inches but real world does it really matter?  As an aside I have just fitted a Hausken over barrel Mod to my 6.5 x 55 / 204 (7mm hole) and it is very light and very effective so maybe consider 22 inches and a change of Mod depending on whether or not your current Mod is long and heavy?  

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47 minutes ago, JRDS said:

Maybe run it through a Ballistics Programme to see the difference.  I have a 14 inch HMR and a 22 inch 204 so like short barrels, I think legally you would be safer at 22 inches but real world does it really matter?  As an aside I have just fitted a Hausken over barrel Mod to my 6.5 x 55 / 204 (7mm hole) and it is very light and very effective so maybe consider 22 inches and a change of Mod depending on whether or not your current Mod is long and heavy?  

As you say,real world very little but legally might be borderline.

I reload for roe and foxes and just buy a couple of boxes of 100 grainers for the stags but if they are marginal i could cook a good legal load.

Mod is a Hardy Gen5 so fine and light already.

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