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is it natural ????

The Jackal

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it is actually a good sign :P , it shows that you are following through (if you'll pardon the expression :P ) after the shot, the idea being if you can see this you are keeping still on the shot after the gun has been fired. It is easier in certain lighting conditions (i usually find fairly bright days with the sun low in the sky is good :P

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pellet loop is gonna happen over distance,the futher it travels the more it loses velocity and power the more is drops off.I can see the pellets hit a target when lamping but only occasionally see it leave the barrel,that could be down to low power which would mean the pellet is coming out slower the normal allowing you to see it?.What distance are you seeing the pellet drop at??something like bisley magnums are usually fairly loopy in sub 12ftIbs guns past 30yards due to ther weight either way the pellet will drop.

yis andy.

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:P i can see the pellet the last few feet b4 i hit the target i allways set my sights @ 30 metres, the rifle is an AAs410k fitted with 3-9-50 pro stalk scopes and using AA field pellets in 2.2 also had it chronographed and it is doing 11.7ftlbs.....the reason im asking this is that i probably never noticed this b4

thanks 4 all your help.....ray :P

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I used to be able to see the pellet leave and hit (the whole flight) when I was using Accupell. I put it down to their flat inside skirt that reflected the lamp back at me.


It was weird though, looked a lot like stuff out of star wars...



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i dont know if you can still get them but at 1 point you could get tracerpells they glowed in the dark & they were seriously good ok a little expensive and you had to give them a bit of light first to keep them charged up but at night when you let the ******* fly you could follow them no problems it was a real ****** if you missed though to see this green thing fly off in to the night like a proper tracer but at least they didnt set the undergrowth on fire like the real ******* do but they were great for following clearly

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