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Learning to burn powder


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Now then fellas, just out of curioisity.

I have a huge amount of farm land to shoot over and permission from the landowners to use firearms or an FAC airgun.

Im getting lots of rabbits with the standard air-rifle, but there are lots more that I could be getting at longer ranges as well as foxes that the shoot captain dislikes intensley.

I've no intention of going down the FAC airgun road and would like to look into something like a .22 rimfire but am wondering where the best place to start is?

any advice much appreciated :lol:

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A few things to help people to offer "advice";


1. What's your budget?

2. If you go down the powder burner route you'll need glass, a moderator (probably use subs of some kind for rabbits if going .22lr) and likely a bipod and sling.

3. What action would you like, bolt or semi-auto? (bolt will be more accurate).

4. Consider barrel length if shooting out of a vehicle.


So a .22lr will be quiet and cheap to run. Disadvantages are limited range and that loopy trajectory, also the ever present ricochet factor.


HMR will be louder (it's a fact, I've shot both calibres) and more expensive to run. Big advantage is it's flat shooting capability, flat out to 100 yards and 1.5inch drop at 150 yards (roughly).


On foxes with a .22lr using Eley subs, out of experience I can say a brain shot at 80 yards will instantly kill a fox. Note brain not head shot. I would "guess" this would apply out to 100 yards, personally I would not go further than that. HMR I would say the same range and again brain shot, but easier to hit with that trajectory.


I own a .22lr and have used Conors HMR. I am going to trade my .22lr barrel for a HMR barrel. I don't shoot many rabbits and I primarily want a rimfire for culling greycrows and magpies, for this job the HMR is excellent.

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Ask your local firearms dept on the land and its suitability, then ge some forms together and apply, same as you, I wouldnt bother with a FAC airgun, I you are going for rabbits then I would get a 22 rim if you are going for rabbits and fox then I would go for a 17HMR as t has a bit more power and a much much much flatter trajectory, some say the 17HMR is the easyer caliber to get as it does not bounce as much as the 22lr :lol:



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I use my .17 HMR on rabbits and hardly ever take the .22 out these days. Take notice of JohnGalway's proviso on head shots. OK on the BRAIN, but it's easy to shoot the jaw off, or just clip it and wound it. Be sure before you tick it off.

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My advice would be try to find a local rifle club to take a look at. There will be a great amount of advice available to you and you'll also have the safety routine drummed into you until you're sick of hearing it. The other option is to find someone who shoots and tag along. Getting a certificate isn't that hard, but you do need to know what you're talking about so the FEO who visits can see you will be safe with a rifle. If your land is flat, go for HMR as they seem to like them for safety reasons. If you have a good hilly area to shoot, then the .22lr is going to be better I feel. A HMR costs £10 for 50 rounds and is loud, on the plus side you get flat trajectory and more range. .22lr is much cheaper, around £4 for 50 rounds, and can be made almost silent with the right ammo and moderator. On the down side, the trajectory is loopy, and 100 yard+ shots are a no go really. For a good comparison of power and trajectories, look at http://www.varmintal.com/17hmr.htm

Read up on the safety and general use of rifles so you can talk a good game with the FEO then apply for your FAC. Don't forget to ask for a moderator with whatever you ask for, good reason is hearing protection :D

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