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Caution, sparrowhawk at work!!


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This afternoon I looked out of the kitchen window and there was a sparrowhawk holding down a young starling. :good: The starling was breast down and the sparrowhawk shuffled it round so that it was on its back. As the starling looked up the hawk began to rip the feathers from the upper breast area. :) The starling started to panic and the blackbirds began mobbing. It was a slow death but, eventually the victim expired, and the predator tore into the back of the starling's neck, eating the brain and eyes etc. :D When the head came off the sparrowhawk flew to my whirly line, with the remains in one talon, hopped onto the central pole and proceeded to demolish the rest of the meal. I was looking out of the kitchen window, for over ten minutes, and the final act took place no more than eight feet from me. :o


I felt privileged to be able to watch a supreme predator at work. The sparrowhawk looked straight at me several times, and I'm sure it knew I was there, but felt safe the other side of the glass. :P I doubt if they ever get a quiet meal, with all those blackies chinking and swooping, but they must thank their lucky stars for bird tables. :drool:

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I saw one eating two days ago as I was rough shooting. At first I thought is was a rabbit due to the colouring, then something flew up into the tree / hedge (I didn't see what it was but presume another SH). The the SH on the ground tried to fly up with a half eaten pigeon but couldn't lift it, so I just watched through my sight. It was magical just watching this beautiful bird eat. We left before it had finished but it was a memory I will cherish for some time.

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theres something about watching raptors that excites and intreuges me, i can watch for hours, much to the dismay of my fellow golfers and shooters, everything stops when a large redtaied hawk circles into veiw, anticipation ofthe moment he folds for the dive and strike, then the beat of powerful wings as he strikes wing against air to gain altitude with the kill locked into the tallons.


something else i'm enjoying at the moment is watching the two pair of Merlins out in the back yard.



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When I was out decoying the other day a hawk (don't know what but probably a kestrel) flew over to my pattern and looked down for a moment then flew on..... he was carrying a mouse or vole in a tallon. It was lovely to see.


When I was kid I followed a tiny track of a mouse in perfect snow ..... the mouse track just stopped .... at that point there were marks in the show each side of the track like fingers lightly brushed the snow... yes a hawk of some sort has taken the mouse..... That memory will stay with me forever....

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