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day over peas

charlie 1

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well guys,

i decided to go back to the field of peas which the farmer was saying there are thousands of pigeons on. i managed to get fifty yesterday so thought i would go and have another go. (there where a few of us out there shooting that is why the bag wasn't that big) so got out and set up for about 11:30am in a ditch which provided a nice bit of cover so i didn't have to do too much to the hide. none of the birds decoyed very well so i had to just take them as they where flighting over. we managed to keep the birds moving for most of the day but it settled right down towards the end with the birds starting to decoy better but by this time i had had enough and started to pack up.


took some pics of the view from the hide



and also my youngest pup who started picking up with me last year



and then the final bag. we lost a few unfortuantley as some of the peas where still standing and we didn't want to make it any worse so a quick look with the dog and that was it. but we managed to find a few more after the pic whilst taking the kit back to the car.


will post rest of pics in a sec as i can't put anymore in this post.


cheers charlie

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