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hare prices


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can anyone tell me where i can get a fair price for the hares?

im in Derbyshire and the local dealer,Bestwicks, say they will give a paltry £1.25 for a full size and 70p for a smaller one.(no matter if there the same size as a racehorse, they allways class them as a "smaller"one).


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Guest Mr Pieman


what numbers are you talking about? I have a dealer that pays around £2-50 each and will collect - if there are enough to warrant the journey. Let me know and I'll PM you the details.



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I cant see the point in shooting Brown Hare


Is he really an Agricultural pest? or just a soft target..?


Also you guys are obviously unaware that it is afforded some protection under the Hares Protection act of 1911 and Ground Game Act of 1880


And should not be offered for sale between the dates of 1st March and 31st July.


Moral; Research and know your Quarry.




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Fisherman Mike,

I can understand your concerns, I like seeing Hares about so only shoot them when they are in the Colli/Broccolli fields. Before we got the shooting on one of our veg farms the farmer claims to have shot 71 the year before with his .22rf. I personally have seen as many as 8 hares in a single plot of Broccolli, so as you can imagine their is the claim for them to be labled an agricultural pest. Remember, there only has to be a small nibble, peck or blemish on the plant and thats 40p waisted.

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I cant see the point in shooting Brown Hare


Pest control, sporting quarry, good eating.


Is he really an Agricultural pest?


Yes, not everywhere but they can have a serious impact in some areas as M ROBSON has already said. They can also be particularly damaging in sugar beet. Here, if numbers are allowed to become too high in some of the woodland they can seriously limit broadleaf regeneration.


And should not be offered for sale between the dates of 1st March and 31st July.


Thats why I freeze any shot through the summer until August.


Our hares have benefited greatly from the habitat/farming improvements and predator control that are done for the shoot. We manage the population as a sustainable resource, generally we only cull mature hares in the late Autumn when the price is good and there are unlikely to be dependant young. We do cull a lot harder on fields that are visible from roads just to dicourage the ####s. The rest of the year we only cull where there is a specific problem or high risk area.


Moral; Don't make uninformed assumptions


Q ???

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