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help please with photobucket

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Hi all.


I understand after reading cranfields pinned post that there is still a problem with disappearing photo's downloaded from a home p.c. :P


So have opened a photobucket account but can't seem to make the damn thing work i can get the photo's onto photobucket but cant get 'em onto p/w (what the chuffin' heck is a URL when its at home?:P?) So if anyone would be kind enough to post an idiots guide to getting photos from photobucket onto p/w i would be very grateful.

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In Photobucket, under your pictures there should be 4 lines and boxes of text.


Share URL

URL Link


IMG Code


You want the second one the URL Link. What you do is put your mouse pointer over the box of text to the right of URL Link and Left click. You should get a message on the bottom left of Internet Explorer saying "Copied text to clipboard".


In Pigeon Watch start your new topic, or post, and when you are ready to put in your photo use the "Insert Image" button. This button is located above the text box that you type your message into and below the Fonts drop down menu (looks like a tiny pic of a green valley with the sun in it), again if you're unsure just hover you mouse pointer over the buttons above the text box and it'll tell you what each button is.


So, when you press the "Insert Image" button a box should pop up saying "Please inter the URL for this image". Delete the "http://" that already in the box and right click on the box afterwards and select paste. That'll paste the URL Link into the box that you earlier copied to your clipboard from Photobucket.


Select OK and that should be that.


Let us know if that works for you, if not ya know where to ask :P

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