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Something Light-hearted


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Getting fed up with all this political nausea ad infinitum, so let's play with it.

Conspiratorial theories are right up PW's street. Let's face it, they are rife. Two victims of the Clutha crash are saying that there's secret reports which if their content was revealed would let the pilot off the hook. Something quite similar is Global Research's story that the Mull of Kintyre RAF Chinook was brought down deliberately by Government forces using the Covert Personnel Locator System. Just two current examples. So:

If Corbyn suddenly upped and resigned before Dec 12 as it is now being muted and which involves North London Polytechnic, what could possibly be the reason?


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He might be going back to college (poly) to do a maths course.  Then he and Diane can definitely get the figures right when he's PM and she's Chancellor!

 Then again, for a conspiracy theory (or a start of one) the initials of North London Poly are NLP, which also means Neuro Linguistic Programming. Look it up and see if it fits in with politics at all!  And I haven't touched a drop yet!☺️

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