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looking for reloading gear

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Thanks guys its been many years since I have reloaded my own bullets and I have long since sold all my own kit. However, I am now back into my rifle shooting and hence will need to buy a new reloading kit! I will look at the link you suggested but can any of you advise on make. I used to own RCBS kit with redding dies can you tell me what the Lyman press like? Are there any makes to avoid or recommend?

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Personally I would avoid Lee - they are OK, and many on here do like and use them, just wouldn't be my choice following my research.


Redding are VERY good. RCBS are good, probably about the same as Lyman. I did see a guy recently with an arbor press ( http://www.sinclairintl.com/cgi-bin/catego...&type=store ) and custom Wilson dies ( http://www.sinclairintl.com/cgi-bin/catego...&type=store ) - which was a very neat set up I must admit...but I from looking into it it appears that a body die for bumping the shoulders has only just been launched and isn't available in all calibers - hence a normal press and die would probably still be required. Otherwise I may have gone down this route myself.


Personally I use the set I posted plus a set of Redding Type S Match dies ( http://www.sinclairintl.com/cgi-bin/catego...&type=store )...but it depends on how much of a accuracy freak you are and how much you want to play with the variables.

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Oly & Hodmedod, thanks for the link, I have just ordered the Redding Kit plus a few other bits.


I haven't ordered any dies yet because I need some advice first, I want to use Redding dies and I will probably use a Redding comp seating die (because thats what I used to use) but I will soon have two .243 rifles one in standard .243 and the other in .243 Ackley.


Obviously I can't full case size an Ackley cartridge so I need to find out what I need to order, I need a die that can de-cap both cartridges and I neck size both cartridges without bumping the Ackley shoulder.


Sorry its been many years since I reloaded and I have never reloaded an Ackley before, any help much appreciated.

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