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First outing with my new gun


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Took my new Lanber O/U out for the first time today, expecting to do a bit of flightlining. When I arrived I was met by the farmer who told me that his beans were being combined and that he had ssen a lot of rabbits bolting from the crop. He asked me to stand at the bottom of the field as the combine came down and shot the rabbits as they broke for cover, and of course I was happy to oblige. I shot the first field in this way, before moving to another field, this time shooting from the combine itself. I'm afraid I lost a few at this point whilst scaping the dust out of my eyes! Anyway, long story short I ended up with 21 bunnies, of which 19 were retrieved (one tumbled into a ditch and couldnt be found and another got squished by the combine after it had been shot :rolleyes: :( ). The bag was shot over 2 hours, after which I had to pack up. Had I been there for the whole time they were combining, I could have got loads more! (though I'm secretly quite pleased after sorting 19 rabbits for freezing!).


Below is a snap of the bag. Best bit is that the pigeons were already starting to show an interest in the stubble, and I have a days decoying over it planned for wednesday.


For the beancounters among us, I was using Rio Classic Game 30g 6's, and they performed very well against the bunnies using 1/4 and 1/2 choke, perhaps a bit too well as a few were quite mangled.





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