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Importing a rifle


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I was thinking The guy I'm staying with could buy it, then I could buy it from him. Maybe it is a lot of hard work, but for a half price rifle it could be worth it. I'd want it screwcut, so it would need a reproof anyway. As I say, it's just a thought. Probably not going to be easy an easy task, so may be more trouble than it's worth?

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hey neil i have been in sask for the weekend and did some prarie gog shootn so how have you been?

as far as you buying a rifle when you get here i could do that easily on my licence but how you would get it from me to england i am not sure,


however you do not need to be a Canadian citizen to get a canadian fire arms licence and wouldnt be too hard to do either, talk to you soon when you get out here the rutt will be onn and there should be some good sized buck's moping about :whistling:

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A friend of mine bought one in Florida and imprted it with no problems as long as you buy it and have it put on your cert and send of the relevant paperwork to your FLO there is no problems. You must check the company you fly with will take the rifle. It will have to go in a hard box in the hold the carriers will give you more details. You will have to go through the red chanel when you get to the UK and no doubt will have to pay the VAT when you get to the UK.



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I was going to do it and found through a lot of investigation that it is possible (even without visiting the country!) but you have to search around for a gunshop willing to go through the paperwork. :whistling: Plus, not sure about Canada but in the US non-US makes just aren't worth importing as otherwise they end up being more expensive than buying one here :yahoo: . It's only really the US makes that you can save enough money on to make it worthwhile. :unsure: I ended up getting a VERY good deal here in the UK though so didn't end up doing it. :angry:


If you do do it let us know how you get on. :shifty:

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