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Around a year ago I posted about a rifle rest that I had made to enable shooting out of the Range Rover window.


Field trials on our expedition to Scotland proved that the item was next to useless, and needed further modifiaction. We decided that pipe lagging on the edge of the window would do for our needs.


We have been servicing the quad ready for this years expedition, and came across the abandoned project and then remembered a magazine article featuring a similar rest. We have therefore made a mounting bracket to bolt the rest to the front carrier. It is height adjustable and easily detachable.


I did get my son to take some pics, and have tried to post them, but without sucess, can some one point me in the direction of some instuctions other than those pinned in 2005, as I cant seem to work them.





They say that you learn something new everyday, and so I have. I can now just about work photobucket, and post the pics on here, so here goes.


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Thanks. but I wonder why it is more difficult to post pics to PW than the forum that my son frequents. He has demonstrated to me and it is done in a few clicks. However, having started, I shall finish, but not if it kills me!









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The quad is a Honda TRX300, its a 1996 model, I've had it for several years. The camo kit came from Cabelas together with several other items which were either not available or extremeley expensive in the UK at the time.


Each year before our trip to Scotland McF and myself dream up some must do project, usually they work fine, last years was only OK, as it let us down in the field, we came up with an alternative, which works fine, so we had the start of this years project already started. I look forward to trying it out.



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Webber, I have fiddled with the syntax a bit to embed your pictures in to the post.


When you go to photobucket, click on the line under you picture that starts [img....] it's the 4th one down.


Come back to you post and then just paste that line into your post and you are done :)

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