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spinning wing deeks from the USA


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I was wondering if anyone has tried to use the spinning wing deeks from the US company called Cabella's ?


I know they are doves and look a bit smaller than pigeons.... but do they bring in woodies?


I can see they don't have clamps for magnet arms but I'm making up some clamps anyway over the next week or so.


My uncle is going over there and can bring a couple back for me so cost is not an issue for postage.




Any direct experience would be much appreciated.



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Malk, the MK1 Air Pros were based on the spinning wing decoys. The the other website got them fully flocked.


The standard "dove" from cabelas worked a treat in the flocked form.


The MK2 Air Pros now have a fully flocked full pigeon decoy as the base...



The ones from cabelas do not have the base plate to fit them onto your magnet though....



If you uncle is going over GIVE HIM MONEY FOR CLOTHING...................you can save a bloomin fortune on real tree stuff...

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Get him to bring you back some of the crow deeks (these look the dogs) - as for the dove deeks, we have used air pro's and these are dynamite on pigeons - so i would suggest getting them and maybe flock coating so they look like woodies.


I agree the crows are the mutts nuts,the only problem with bringing them back in a suitecase is you can only fit 2 in a case unless you take all your clothes out cos they are a lot bigger than our crow deeks and they are covered in a velvet like material (completly nil shine even in bright sunshine)The only drawback i find is the stake(which slides up their **** for storage)is bright WHITE,so if you get some a bit of camo tape or the like needs to be stuck on.

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