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Gun re-blueing


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One of my mates brought back a special "touch-up" pen from the States, which is supposed to make good any worn or scratched areas. It's **** :good:


Firstly, after you've touched up a worn area, you have to smudge it, as it's just too obvious and visible otherwise, and secondly, it wears off again in no time. ???


The same bloke wants to have a go at reblueing one of his guns, an ancient Baikal side-by-side, but neither of us has had the courage to try it yet :lol:

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All of the cold bluing kits produce a finish that is not hard wearing.


I used to polish guns for a gunsmith prior to bluing, and the finish had to to mirror finish if you want the bluing to be like that.


If you want a matt finish then use fine wet and dry, but you must use the wet and dry in the same direction.


Sorry to say it but there is no easy answer - if you want a hard wearing finish then it has to be done by a specialist.


The touch up pens (and cold blue kit) are all OK for small parts or areas, but not for a complete barrel etc.


Be very careful with this stuff, as the chemicals are highly toxic - please see instructions!



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