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Golden Eagle


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So this guy has been hauled in front of the Magistrate charged with shooting a Golden Eagle. As it happens, the Magistrate is quite a keen countryman and well versed in the ways of the shooting fraternity.


"Tell me," asks the beak, "why on earth did you shoot such a beautiful bird ?"


"Well, M'lud" mumbles the old poacher, "I was out takin' a few pigeons for the pot, and they were flighting in in twos and threes , and I was gettin' quite excited as I'd shot enough for a few days eating and I thought I might take a few more for old Fred who lives other side of village. Anyway, suddenly this almighty pigeon comes swoopin' down on me decoys and before I knew it I'd shot the thing and Lordy, Lordy wouldn't you know I'd shot an Eagle !!"


The Magistrate was slightly doubtful of the man's explanation but decided to offer him a chance of redemption.


"So tell me, my man, what did you do with this bird" asked the beak.


"Couldn't let 'im go to waste M'lud" said the poacher "So I ate it".


"Oh dear, Oh dear," uttered the beak, "and what did it taste like ?"


"Lot like Red Kite M'lud !!!!!" :good:

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