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Everything posted by berettaman1

  1. It's too late, I've just seen the EM General List, your name is at the top, in red letters.
  2. Ooh Erh, Is that a threat to do me harm then Jerry?? Must make a note to pass on to your local police , who have OK your SGL then..I dont remember your exact qualifacations you put down when you joined this forum, but I remember you stated head/ or main coach. I only raised what I did in revenge at your putting down my replies to PW members inquiries re, what was the rules at two different types of clay shooting discipines, I stated what had occured several times when I was a participiant. You tried to belittle me in my honest replies, so I decided to see what was your shooting Qualifications, and was amazed to see that for a senior/head/ coach, you could not practise what you charged ,to teach.!!I am sorry you have made a subtle threat to my well being, and I will in the morning make an official protest to my local police area.. as I am quite allarmed at your behavior. Cheers.
  3. Sorry Sonny, but when you have even the slightest grasp on what you are bleating about, then- and only then will I reconsider and decide if you merit a response to your crude knowledge of the English language.. now off you go, soon be your bedtime sonny jim!!
  4. Hey Maiden 22 !!When you awake in the morning and turn to kiss your lovely wife, that loving horse like face you kiss,!! might not be your wife at all !! YES YOUVE GUESSED.!! Its a real horses head!! MUngler s revenge, reaches EVERYWHERE!!
  5. Sorry old bean you are not good enough to be in my shooting class!... 1 You do not show enough reverance, and 2. you cant spell, A you misspelt )Awnsered !! and B. Anylise !!. you will obviously not even make it to level one of hopscotch in the infants class!!... you sir are a Wally of the lowest order!! please come back after 20 or so years when you have attained C class in sporting!! or top/and whip control. !! Or get yourself in AA class in any shooting discipline by a half hour course with a CPSA Coach
  6. Hey, A worda of a warninga,, Youa dida nota seea anythinga?? from a frienda offa the cosa nostra, Rememba you dida not seea mr biga, MUNGLA!!... Sh, I a tolda you to keepa stumma.
  7. I dont fancy the Masia bird at at all but I would do the lady doc, FREE.( If she can hang around a couple of hours till it WORKS!!..
  8. Well done Webber you look allmost Alive!!!
  9. Ha HaHa, Mungler thinks he is mr BIG!!... But thats not what his wife told my wife!!!
  10. No, my friends dont chicken out the word is___ Hummer!! Well it rymes with that anyway!!!
  11. Hee Hee Hee, Oh come on!!! I have just been reading how to con people and make lots of dosh for doing allmost nothing!!... yes you have all guessed,..... tomororow I will stand as a New Labour Canditate!!!!... no, Not as a head coach for the CPSA!!
  12. What?? What,, dont you understand?? Following your train of thought I will have to get myself off to a top brain Hospital in the morning and tell the the doctors how to operate!!.on serious cases..No Problem, I will tell them you sent me....
  13. No No, I tought Mungler everything he Knows!! ...... Allas he still knows NOTHING!!
  14. Hmm, Still dont know how Lefty finished up?? C,man,, is Lefty the new owner of the,HAT??..... Hhm why the silence?? Is LV trying desperatly trying to hang on to it??.. or is Lefty too ashamed to be the new recipiant of the Pink Hat???
  15. Ha Ha Ha, Beretta, I will teach you everything I know!!... bad side , is, you know more than me,!! my mate!!... Ooh Eer My cheque is in the post!!
  16. What the **** you on about??? if you cant do it dont come on saying you can??? please tell us all what you have won, ?? in clayshooting classifications??? --- PUT UP, OR SHUT UP>>>
  17. Ha Ha Ha, Quite right , My friend!! I was getting ****** off at what I saw was a scorning of my ability!! I am allas, only a shadow of what I acheived, and what my age was , When I did it.....But not many guys jumped staight int A class Sporting...A class DTL. and reached AA in Sporting.... AA in double rise.... As a Veteran?? ..... I am sorry Clayman thinks his acheivements are greater than Mine?..
  18. Ooh Erh, If you had read fully my complaints, and resulting barbs at your CPSA qualifications, as a head CPSA coach. ...you would have seen ,That my complaint, was, How can you tell shooters how to shoot?? if , on looking at your qualifacations, You are not very good yourself?? .....Its A bit like me standing at the side of a F1 circuit , Saying Schumacher dosent know what he is doing,!!! when he comes in !!!, I Will tell him where he is going wrong!!!.... If your training was that good/ knowledge?? how come you are nowhere in the standings.?? again I have responded to your barbs at my replies???.As I said in an earlear post you know what you are talking about as regards CPSA rules ,etc... but dont, please come on here and try to make others point of view worthless.? in Fact lets make it a challenge?? .. I am a old **** now, in my last year of competition shooting!!! In fact I am now shooting 10 bellow my usual sporting ave!! I only shoot 25 Skeet twice a year,.... Abt, the same>!!(100 all round)..... C,mon then Bud, Lets get it On!!!lets see if your vaunted shooting is the same?... or better than mine???
  19. Gamesbond, Good Man.... At last others more than me, and yourself, can see what is going on here!!! these people who have got thereselves into positions of trust? as our servants!!!Have now voted there selves a at local and Goverment level our MASTERS??? load of ******* all of them!!!I dont know how this is going to end up,.... But lets not forget, the massive Sums of Money these ***** are claiming in EXPENCES EACH YEAR???.....Yes I can see why the people of Russia , Was ***** off when they had the chance to get rid of their Masters??)
  20. Gamesbond, I have as usual termed the subject badly,I was trying to say it was wrong regardless of a persons colour to have a criminal record, I stated he was married because usually a chap with a wife and family is normally a law abiding citizen, (not everyone, I know) as to your remarks I have not taken offence as this is a Banter section.and thats what its for. I am alarmed though at the seemingly Draconion laws being inflicted on the people of this Country. It seems to be adopting Comunist ways of control, This Country has 1% of the worlds population, and 20% of cctv cameras to watch us. Cheers.
  21. Same to you, Bud. and everyone else.
  22. What does that have to do with it ?? I pointed out he was white because I normally get slated by pm, s accusing me of being racist! by certain members!!!
  23. These Scumbags who are implementing these rules should be sacked!!.... This Country is being ruled by council ***** who have not a clue what is really going on.!!! If I was the unfortunat bloke being done for this, then I would .in future start fly tipping!!!Hopefully on the front gardens of the Loony Lefty New Labour ***** who are passing these laws.....Total A******S
  24. I would love to use some of the different glasses available, but alas my prescription lenses pretty well rule them out,I have mates who use the ones that have a seperate pair of frames inside the outer lenses to have their prescription lenses fitted, but none of them shoot better than before they made the outlay..And lets be honest, the ridiculas prices being asked for the ones on market are just a rip off!!!most of them are made in China,!! There is no way they are worth more than a few quid max!!Hhhm, I supose some shooters with plenty of dosh, feel they give them the edge,?Well good luck to them..
  25. Spot on again Cat, Its my favorite ground as well, as Its ony 20 miles away from me I find I allways shoot ok there as well, Tom, like his dad , allways tricks you to see what you are not allways seeing,! for instance, he puts a slight angle on clays that are further out than you think, because they are showing a bit more of their face, it seems they are 15 yards closer than they are!!, very easy to shoot miles in front. I only shoot it once a year now, (Victoryshoot) but the best ground I have shot.
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