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Fridays decoying

Stealth Stalker

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I got out with my mate Italian Tony on friday in the same feild we shot 177 birds the previous week, the wheat stubble had been ploughed & disced yet the birds were still hitting it in numbers.


We were set up at 1pm with 20 deeks in a horseshoe pattern further up the flightline from where we shot last week & we started shooting almost immediatley hitting some lovely high birds, for some reason the birds weren't decoying as well as I'd liked. I hit a purple patch where I didn't miss for 13 shots, some of which were cracking shots :)


Tony was on form as well, taking out probably the highest bird I've ever seen hit, it took an age to land stone dead with an almighty thump.


Becky was on top form also with the retreive of the day being a hit bird that managed to skim a few feet off the deck in to a nearby wood about 100 yards away, she never took her eyes of this bird & after I sent her she raced off into the wood and emerged seconds later with the bird in her mouth :unsure:


A few pics of Becky in action








We finished up at 6pm with 77 woodpigeon, 1 feral, & a crow, another good day :D


Becky with the final bag




Stealth Stalker

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