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Tom Janaway

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About Tom Janaway

  • Birthday 01/02/1991

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  1. I'm about to go and top my feild margins. It's got to be done.
  2. Tom Janaway


    professor layton and the curious village
  3. probaly because there hard working polish rob who lives at tile barn has three houses back in poland!!!
  4. good nights shooting, and thanks for the lift
  5. There are two vet students doing work experiance on the farm im working on, and all they had done for 3 days was presure wash, they had a polite word with the farm manager, and now they are doing more " vet stuff". Before quiting prehaps you could have a quiet word about the work your doing. If that doesnt work then quit and go for the working on a farm route.
  6. Hull three crowns £220 per 1000
  7. Dont forget that if the pond freeze's over then the fox would simply be able to walk across.
  8. took me 5 mins to fiqure out the catflap was a catflap. i thought it was a small window. I think ill read the text first next time.
  9. Can i ask how much you purchased that gun for? i was given one exactly the same as yours, but have no idea how much it is worth. cheers tom
  10. NEVER!!! I look really stupid with short hair, i also look stupid with a hat on and with my hair tucked behind my ear. Its a lose - lose situation. I'll give your part mounting tequnique a go, and see how i do. Maybe i will be able to get revenge on that pigeon that tricked me :lol: Fair enough. Are you coming on the 28th? FM ill try to come on the 28th, but im not sure if i will be free.
  11. NEVER!!! I look really stupid with short hair, i also look stupid with a hat on and with my hair tucked behind my ear. Its a lose - lose situation. I'll give your part mounting tequnique a go, and see how i do. Maybe i will be able to get revenge on that pigeon that tricked me :lol:
  12. I cant hit pigons either, problem is i can hit clays fairly well, so im not sure what im doing wrong it might be the fact that because im trying to quickly get my gun into my shoulder that i dont get it mounted corectly and also the fact that i dont have the proper stance. it could also be my hair gets in the way, really confuses me . I think practise is in order.
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