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.243 Prices


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Have been looking around gun shops and trawling the net for gun prices so far the best price I have got is


243 tikka T3 hunter,T8 Moderator,scope rings and Meopta 7x50 scopes £1200 or can go up to S&B 8x56 30mm scopes for another £199

Do these prices seem like a good deal,also are the Meopta scopes very good causre I ain't never heard of the before



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I have been told that you are better off buying a nice secondhand gun, as this means you don't lose the money in terms of depreciation. Same as cars really.


By the way have you tried Mallard Barn, near wattisham, they have some nice rifles in stock. Couple I think were the Tikka's as well.




Was advised by my FEO not to buy a second hand full bore rifle as they could have worn out barrels,he suggested buy a new rifle and it will then last me a life time

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Meopta scopes always get good reviews in the press, and they have a good reputation. The only slightly negative comment I've heard/read about is the reticule posts being very narrow, and therefore hard to pick up in dim light.


depends on which model you go for, we have two nearly identicle ones in our house, the one on my .223 has very thick cross hairs and the one on my dads hornet has very thin cross hairs.


My main problem with them is they 'ting' if hit by a branch.

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I have been told that you are better off buying a nice secondhand gun, as this means you don't lose the money in terms of depreciation. Same as cars really.


By the way have you tried Mallard Barn, near wattisham, they have some nice rifles in stock. Couple I think were the Tikka's as well.




Was advised by my FEO not to buy a second hand full bore rifle as they could have worn out barrels,he suggested buy a new rifle and it will then last me a life time



To be honest Sweepy,


Unless you are buying a target rifle there is hardly any chance that the barrel will be worn out. Even a well used centrefire that is used for vermin and deer that is several years old will have a barrel that will shoot better than most people can.


My 7.62 RPA was meant to need a new barrel but it will still shoot a 10 shot 3" group at 500yds, and that was only the second time of using it.

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