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Couple of hours fun

Suffolk shooter

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Received a call from Ferretboy111 at 1pm today, he was out on his shoot feeding and checking some new drives for this season and had seen alot of pigeons and rooks feeding on the stubble nearby. Did I fancy giving it a bash. Well is the pope german, does a bear **** in the woods?


Plan was hatched, he was going to finish off feeding and checking and we were going to meet at 3pm. Duly informed wife I couldn't take the eldest to a party and then go clothes shopping with her and the youngest B) :stupid:


Turned up and proceeded to dump the stuff outside the Hide FB111 had set-up and then drive the Ranger behind the overgrown pond.


The hide was situated on a tree lined ditch with drilled field behind and at a guess 150-200 acres of wheat stubble in front with a wood to our right, two ponds on the boundary.


FB had already had a few Rooks and the odd pigeon when I turned up and the birds were flighting in for the duration of the next three hours. This is the first time that I have seen suicidal blackstuff, normally these things seem to have a sixth ense and flare away for no reason, but all afternoon they were coming in no matter whether we moved or not. One of them I even had time to stand up, turn round, point the gun, damn safety on, bang and drop it as it came from behind to our right.


FB took some lovely distance birds and had plenty of action with birds appearing from nowhere from behind us through the trees.


Total bag was 21 Rooks, 2crows/jackdaws (Jury still out as to which), and 17 woodies. Total 40 birds.

FB had 70 shots and I had 60 shots. Unfortunately we couldn't retrieve all the shot birds as a few landed in the overgrown pond.




Thanks for the call FB fantastic few hours.


SS :lol:

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