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Shotgun Application


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I have been shooting with my gun on my dad's licence (with him there) i am only 16 but i have a days goose shooting planned and my dad can't make it. So i need a little advice the gun shop i work in would be able to lend me a gun for the day assuming it were to go on one of the other shooters licences (who are onver 17) but i wouldn't be able to get it on my licence is that right? i know it can be lent out without having to go on a licence as long as it is no longer than 72 hours so was just wondering. Also roughly haw long does it take for a shotgun licence to go through roughly? if i sent it away this week would it be back by the 22nd of December?


Thanks, Jay

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You refer to "your" licence as well ask asking about applying for one. I will assume you meant "when you get it".


The age restrictions are such that you can't purchase or hire a shotgun until you are 17. If you had a ticket you could receive a gift of a shotgun from the age of 15, you are also allowed to possess a shotgun as long as it is secured and suitably covered.


The gunshop can't lend you a gun, they could lend someone else who's going with you a gun, though. As to the legality of you then using that gun and the chain of people knowing that's what was going to happen, I am not getting involved in ;)

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