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Thought provoking pictures............


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I saw this picture whilst browsing a news site this morning and thought it was great, it conjured up a few thoughts in my mind.




Anyone else got any thought provoking pictures?

You would need to build thousands of those to deal with all the traitors that are in this country……….including half the b@stards in government. :good:


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I saw this picture whilst browsing a news site this morning and thought it was great, it conjured up a few thoughts in my mind.




Anyone else got any thought provoking pictures?

Shame we dont use that any more this country would be a better place if we did & the birch




But what if a innocent person was hanged Winchester.


I'm was all for it in the past but the thought of one person being executed that was innocent has changed my opinion.


I can name a few Paddy's that would have been dead years ago if we still had hangings.


If we really did have life sentences and not the 25 year **** with early release good behavior, those that were innocent would probably be able to prove the miscarriages of justice and not be buried in unconsecrated ground.








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I saw this picture whilst browsing a news site this morning and thought it was great, it conjured up a few thoughts in my mind.




Anyone else got any thought provoking pictures?

Shame we dont use that any more this country would be a better place if we did & the birch




But what if a innocent person was hanged Winchester.


I'm was all for it in the past but the thought of one person being executed that was innocent has changed my opinion.


I can name a few Paddy's that would have been dead years ago if we still had hangings.


If we really did have life sentences and not the 25 year **** with early release good behavior, those that were innocent would probably be able to prove the miscarriages of justice and not be buried in unconsecrated ground.








fortunately with modern forensic sciences the risk of convicting and excecuting the wrong person is considerably less than 40 years ago so i believe that if its definate that an idividual is guilty and the crime commited warrents it then hang them for all to see

life should indeed mean life, these days youll be out after 10 years maybe less

lee :rolleyes:

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