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3 foxes.


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Well not long got in from a night out with sparkie, took him round some of my permission, for a bit of bunny and fox shooting. We had a quick look in the one field and spotted 2 charlie some 200yds off :good: was a bit of a way to be of a sure shot so i gave it some squeek, :w00t: , well did it come :w00t: thought it was going to be a head but job, about 60yds was close enough for my liking, so made some another type of noise to stop it, which it did just long enough to send it a nosler, "BANG" - - - - - "THUD" nice one. The other one had decided its not to friendly round here and dissapeared through the hedge,Gave it some squeek but not having any of that thank you very much.

we went to retrieve the shot fox, a nice looking vixen, being as it was only 60yds off the shot was higher than would have been, it was n instant kill just about taking the head off, a bit gory, but i suppose so are the poultry once they have had a go at them. Well i thought that will please Mr farmer. Well we got back to the gate way and had another wizz round with the lamp, and hey! another one about the same distance, :yay: i was down like a shot red dot on the chest, as this one was side on, "BANG"- - - - "THUD" :w00t: 2 down in less than 5 minutes. Well I thought Mr farmer going to buy me a pint for a change :lol:. It was 21.10 and i knew i had to be in the other field at about 1/2 past so quickly over the road and into the next field behind the farm house, up onto the hay bails, the big round ones and 4 high :lol: (its a long way up and even longer down if you fall!) took my cheap NY thingy i got from LIDDL's, well only there 5 minutes and spotted one through the NV down on the scope lamp on on yes you got it "BANG"- - - - "THUD" again closer than normal 60yds ish and anothe shot to the head going through the bottom jaw and straight into the chest, this was the one ide been after for some time, the last time it came rite under our feet, under the bails, to close for a shot, about 20feet :D To say i was chuffed is an understatement indeed, tell you what i nearly Kissed sparkie :w00t: .

couldn't have done it without you though Sparkie :lol: thanks.


Then a tad later after a coffee, i gave sparkie a chance on some rabbits on another patch, he shot 4 with his 22lr, and then i must say i missed a fox because i was shaking about too much and pulled the shot, i had to shoot from fully extended legs on a tall harris :blink: i was gutted, just like the rabbit i shot with the 22.250 not long after, well i thought my sights were out and thought ide just better check :good:


any way will post some pictures when i figure out how to get them off my phone.




dougy :lol::rolleyes:


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not good news when you miss one ;) as it takes ages to get the ****** next time, theres still one that as soon as any sighn of a lamp its gone off like a rocket.


Mind you i didn't have my cheapo NV thingy then, so maybe will stand more of a chance. Even more so this time of the year they start to drop there guard and have more important things on there minds :yes:

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