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.223 cal

loopy bunny blaster

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what is the chance of getting a .223 on first application? i know it will prob involve some target shooting time first but would they give it to me (15) and my dad (48) on a first application? because we need a hard hitting fox round and a .223 is also accepted for winged vermin isnt it? as we are also infested with crows. am just wondering if its even worth bothering, because a .223 is a much better fox round and i would fancy a go at some munties in a few years time.



thanks for any help you may give.


btw my other alternative would be a .17hmr if they wont give me a .223 and i live on a farm and have 1000 acres of shooting permission between two farms.


thanks for any help or advice you could give.

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what is the chance of getting a .223 on first application? i know it will prob involve some target shooting time first but would they give it to me (15) and my dad (48) on a first application? because we need a hard hitting fox round and a .223 is also accepted for winged vermin isnt it? as we are also infested with crows. am just wondering if its even worth bothering, because a .223 is a much better fox round and i would fancy a go at some munties in a few years time.



thanks for any help you may give.


btw my other alternative would be a .17hmr if they wont give me a .223 and i live on a farm and have 1000 acres of shooting permission between two farms.


thanks for any help or advice you could give.



very much dout it after having a shotgun cert for 30 years and applying for a first time fac got knocked back on the 223

but just put in for a vari after 8 months and looking good so far :good:

ps , do you send yours to windsford and who,s your feo

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I was told by my FAO that Essex won't do anything less than centre fire for foxes, so if you want to shoot a fox then you have to jump in with both feet with an FAC application for centre fire, and I went for .223.


Hope to hear the result once the postal strike lifts. If it's a no, I take a bath on a .223 I have just coughed out for :good:

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