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barrel lube?


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Rat. Just do with your air rifle, what you would do with a 12 guage or any other shot gun.


Clean the barrel with a good quality solvent cleaner after each use


I have never found barrel lube or any other form of lubrication to pellets etc to be effective at the sort of range and accuracy I require.


If by using it physcologically it makes you feel as if your shooting better, then fine give it a go.



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I personally think that barrel lube is a waist of time, an incorperates yet another variable into shooting. Lube CAN make your rifle FAC, it CAN screw up your grouping, It CAN cause excessive dieselling in you barrel and in some cases CAN reduce power if it gets into the "gutts" of a PCP or springer... though a lot needs to be used.

In short, if you get the amount of lube right, it can have a positive effect, but get it wrong and youll know about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi there ratcatcherreed


I would advise you strongly against you using any form of pellet with a plastic skirt, the plastic rubbs off in the barrel and in some cases the only way to remove it is to take it to a gun shop where they will pour a type of acid down the barrel to remove the plastic, very messy :yp:


Also I would agree with the others not to use pellet lube :)

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Stick to the basics, Buy the best pellets you can afford ( Accupell in my opinion)


Clean your gun regularly and keep in good condition.


Regularly check your scope mounts and zero especially after each trip where it might get banged


Enjoy your sport.


Dont bother with any gimmicks or bolt ons or super lube or this or that They are just designed to releive you of your hard earned cash.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't clean your barrel overly regularly. Some require cleaning every tin or so whilst others will go 10,000 or more pellets between cleans. My BSA requires it evry 3rd tin but my S400 used to do around 20 tins to a clean. Most, though certainly not all, barrels will require a degree of re-leading in once cleaned to re-acheive accuracy. Usually about 50 shots or so will do this. Accupells are particularly diry pellets due to the high antimony content so may require more regular cleaning than most. Good pellets in all other respects though.

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