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BSA Airsporter Stutzen. .22

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This Rifle came to me in a sorry state, battered stock and (supposedly) Cerakote finish to metalwork.... Not so, some sheeite paint that more or less fell off.
Original bluing is thin but still there. The mainspring was broken, so have fitted a new Titan, along with new piston head, packer and 'o' ring piston seal.
Stock re-finished with countless coats of Tru Oil.
Tried an enamel spray on the alloy "birds beak" but couldn't get a hard enough finish so have stripped and polished it.
This has become a very collectable air rifle and I have respectfully given a lot of time and effort to it.
I comes with a period BSA 3-7x20 immaculate scope, and is offered for sale @ £550 collected  or + P&P.


More photo's available if required.






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