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I am not going to give a party political broadcast on behalf of the BNP lol but If we/Britain keep on going the way we are, we are heading for disaster and the politicians from labour and the tory party are still prepared to leave immigrants into this country, there has to come a point where we have to say no more. While I am at it, any muslim extremist born and bred in this coutry who is guilty of treason towards Britain or it's allies should be deported with every member of his family back to their country of origin :unsure:

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I think we should be allowed an open day each year, when we ( the white minority) have a **** hunt :unsure: :blink:


how long before the P C mods delete this post


Bets being taken .......................................................................Now



Why post it, if you know we have to remove it ?

Edited by Cranfield
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Just been reading in the Daily Mail


I think...


That says it all :lol:;)


I always thought it was a joke, I didn't realise people actually read the Daily Mail ;):):lol::lol:



There's nothing to support the claim that the Daily Mail prints scaremongering stats for immigration. On the contrary, a year or two back, when all the bleeding heart liberals were being fooled by Governmant claims that immigration from Eastern Europe would amount to a few thousand a year, I seem to remember the Mail getting slated for ridiculing these figures. They obviously have now been proved to be absolutely spot-on with their fears.


It is becoming trendy for Guardianistas and Scargillites (We are orl of one accord, bruvvers) to snipe at the Daily Mail, but I see no evidence that they are talking ****, just the opposite, in fact. They might flower it up a bit - that's called journalism.


I read the Daily Mail and the Daily Telegraph (sometimes other newspapers online) and in fairness, the Daily Mail has become very extreme in its reporting.

I don't think it prints lies as such, but it gives great prominence to right wing negative issues and hardly mentions anything on the positive side of the account.

On some days I read the Mail and the Telegraph and you would think they were reporting from different countries.


I agree with this comparison. However, when the Mail reports prominently on right wing negative issues, that doesn't mean they're not there. I think they report these negative issues as they actually are - negative. If we're swamped with immigrants, they say we're swamped with immigrants. The Telegraph would probably say that some "think tank" somewhere is slightly concerned that, if we go on as we are, levels of immigration could conceivably put some strain on services and could (possibly) cause a little friction among some sections of the community :unsure: :lol: :lol: ??? B) I think they like to put a bit of water with it to make it all taste a bit better. I'm afraid I prefer my bad news straight :blink:

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