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After the met police said they will issue me a new cert(i lived in kent),i sent it off (the old one) and not long before i get it back ,when i get a job i will get a shootie(i cant wait).



I think Cartridge could have posted that better silver_fox but what you don't know is he has been through hell and back due to his past personal circumstances and would have not been granted one if he didn't come up to scratch.


I shoot with a couple of bods that can't read or write and both are legal :unsure:


Having posted that I hope he dosen't go on a rampage at Asdas :blink:






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It's not nice to have to recount any contentious past when you apply for a cert. It's amazing how intrusively the police will try to use anything however minor or heresay against you. It strikes me as plainly obvious that a majority of the people involved in firearms licensing would like to see that the fewer certs issued the better.


Ahh the though of being able to live in a nation with "Shall Issue" type firearms laws is ever appealing.



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