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Gas ram


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what is the difference of having a gas ram as to how it is?


i've never seen a gas ram gun so i was just wondering the pros and cons


A gas ram is quieter, has less recoil and never needs replacing! I don't think there are any cons to a gas ram! ???


Except from what I have heard, gas rams have greater recoil, noisyer, and loose pressure. Can't say I have a problem with spring, it only gives a 1.6 fps variation over the chrono usually.

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what is the difference of having a gas ram as to how it is?


i've never seen a gas ram gun so i was just wondering the pros and cons


A gas ram is quieter, has less recoil and never needs replacing! I don't think there are any cons to a gas ram! :lol:


Except from what I have heard, gas rams have greater recoil, noisyer, and loose pressure. Can't say I have a problem with spring, it only gives a 1.6 fps variation over the chrono usually.


Well if that's what you've heard then i suggest you try one first! Who ever told you that was either very VERY unlucky or full of ****.

I tend only to respond to threads from experience rather than "from the grape vine" type information! :P

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what is the difference of having a gas ram as to how it is?


i've never seen a gas ram gun so i was just wondering the pros and cons


Just to confirm that gas rams are great... I fitted one to my rifle about a year ago and it is smoother, easier to shoot accurately, consistent, powerful (12ft/lb), and has faster lock time. Oh, and it doesn't have that annoying "TWANG" when you fire it. Just a nice thud :good: then another one when the pellet hits the target ....

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well i used 2 bsa lightnings 1 was a xl tactical with spring the other was a bog standard lightning but yea but it was gas rammed..gas ram adds a little weight but rifles generaly still light.. the tactical bbddiinngg when you shoot gas ram dead apart from a little shove not a big kick like the tactical..braking gas ram was easyer but tactical wasnt hard either..i could hold the gas ram and watch where the pellet was going after i shot it but the tactical you got no chance it takes you completely off your target once fired..now i like springer alot, i like the fact that it feels like you have shot something but im affraid the gas ram is better than the springer..how can i compare its like being tickled with a feather then comparing that to a kick in the balls..i know which id prefer..the gas ram at£40-50 worth every penny and i tell you there way more accurate my mate blasts bunnys out to 50 yard not a problem but a standard spring you couldnt do that...oh well il stop goin on now lol


ps i would go direct to theoben or give ben taylor and son a ring

pss the pellet leaves the barrell before you have chance to move with a gas ram too, as well as low maitnence..no spring re[lacement every 6-12month

psss gas rams are hard to fit lol :good::blush: gas ram all the way from me mate :good::oops:

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When last i looked at gas rams on the BAR website, they were coming in at over £60 a pop (£65?)

Is it really worthwhile putting a gas ram in, even if you can find one?

All I mean is it's a lot of dosh to spend on an old gun.

Hows about a nice new Titan XS mainspring, some new seals & a lube job?

Then it'll shoot like new & you'll have enough change to go to the pub

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