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Today’s Shoot - Pics From my lad


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Well second day for the season on my syndicate today and we had a fantastic day.


The weather did no play ball in that it was a bright, dry, sunny, still and sunny morning, better than wet and dry I agree but it would have been nice to have a bit of breeze.


As Debs could not make it this weekend it was just me and my oldest at the shoot, got there good and early and I then passed the camera to Benjamin for the day, strict instructions not to drop it in a puddle or the middle of the wood some where.


He did tend to forget he had a camera with him unless I was around so when in the beating line he did not take that many, but then again he was concentrating on where he should be.


But he has taken some good photos.


For me the day was great, first drive and I did not dirty my second barrel but hit everything I shot at, including two stonking crossing birds. That seemed to set me up for the day. One of my best days shooting with a 85% hit rate.


Any way, here are Benjamin’s Pictures:


The first drive waiting:



Me and a picker up chewing the fat:



Me talking to the shoot captain on drive 3 before the action starts:



One of the guns explaining the intricacies of shooting one of the pickers up:



The bag growing:



Beaters and guns tucking into food:



Sun setting over a game cover:



All in all a great day. Yet again.


Just love days like today!



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  deadeye ive said:
Some nice photo's and it sounds like a good day had by all ???


Was your lad lying down to take the second pic or was he stood down a seriously steep slope .


Yep, he was lying down to take that pic.


He is only 10 and had been on a sleep over the night before so feeling a tad tired most of the day, he was up at 4am!!!!!


He took 26 pics today and there are not many I would through away, very good camera work for his age.


Great day was had by all, roll on 2 weeks time!

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