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Which cartridge?

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This has probably been answered before.

I have done a fair amount of shooting with my Brother-in-law, he uses Gamebore Super XLR, 12g, 7.5, 28gms for pheasants.

What do you suggest I go for, I thought you used shot sizes 5&6 for pheasant?


M, Yes it has and you can do a search if you want. I too know people who use what is effectivly a clay shooting load for pheasants, and as long as they are not too testing I am sure he will kill his fair share. Personally I would not! Size six is considered by many to be the best all round size for average shooting. People who are fortunate to shoot more testing/higher birds use 5's and even 4's, given that you will need to use a heavy gun to put enough 4's (at least 34, maybe even 36grams) in a dense enough pattern to stop birds cleanly.


If you use a light side by side an ounce (28grams) of 6's will stop most things at normal ranges if put in the right place. I normally use 32grams of 5's in my o/u.



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