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hw or cz?


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I shot a HW60J for 12 months - its an absolutly brilliant rifle, trigger is 2 stage, smooth, fully adjustable and you dont need any trigger kits to make work.

They will shoot 1/2" groups all day long and will shoot 1 hole groups if your good enough. some how they just feel right in your hands and dont feel cheap.


then again i have quite a few mates with CZ's and they are the dogs wootsits too, so really its up to personal choice i think.

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i have shot the cz and its pretty ******* amazing on accuracy.


Just my opinon - if you think that's amazing try an Anschutz! :good: Plus, you might be impressed with the accuracy, but the build ??? I wouldn't say go with something else just for the sake of being different, but make sure it's right for you. CZ are the Ford Focus of guns, they're OK for everyone - but it's doubtful that it'll truely set your world alight. :/

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fair point oly the mate is just wondering if spending all the money on an hw when it would probably buy 2 cz s in 22 and 17. is the hw worth that much more.is double the money going to give double the accuracy and i would guess not. it will probably be a little nicer to hold and shoot and possibly something that a few will stop and look at. cz s with all respect are ten a penny ive yet to see a hw out and about.dont take me up wrong on this as i have a cz and there is nothing wrong with them.

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HW60J...trigger is 2 stage, smooth, fully adjustable and you dont need any trigger kits to make work.


This alone would be enough justification for me. :/ I love my Anschutz's two stage trigger and now simply can't go back! :good: From what I have heard/seen your more likely to get your money back on the HW than the CZ (as like you say they are ten a penny so will devalue more readily), if you decide it's not right after 12 months.

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