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A grand (half) day out

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So on Saturday I drove the 30 miles or so to hook up with Sgt Bang.

We jumped into his motor and set of out through Hampshire into Dorset . .

Sounds like the start of a hunting story, but in fact all we were doing was going to the closest gunshop to both of us that has, well had, stocks of Federal ammo :rolleyes: I got 100 6.5's and he got 160 25-06's.


What prompted this was a phone call from Sarg saying he couldn't get ammo anywhere, 25-06 isn't the most common calibre so that isn't totally unexpected.

As I was getting a bit low I rang half a dozen shops myself to check for 6.5 stuff and they all said the same, "none in, and none expected in"


I am not sure what supples are like in other parts of the country, but round these parts it is looking a bit grim.


This is all due to Federal landing a huge order with the US military which is taking priority over any civilian ammo supplies, so it affects the supply of reloading components as well.

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Strange I was in a shop this afternoon and was told exactly the same thing about the US, when discussing the increase of lead cartridge prices. The owner was saying that he read in one of the trade magazines that this was to increase stocks being sent to Afghanistan/Iraq and N E Other places the US wants to visit in the near future.



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John March in Wimbourne for the cartridges, and then we dropped into the one in Ringwood on the way back.


Winchester, I was very glad to give it up, but that is another story for another thread another day :blink:


As I said the shortages affect Federal users but are also impacting other brands availability.

Once you can't get Federal primers CCI's will get hammered and so on.

When Alliant powder wasn't available I couldn't get Vit 'cos for just that reason.

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