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Air rifles NI


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There is no shotgun cert in N Ireland.  All guns are recorded under a firearms certificate, this includes sub 12ft/lb air guns. I think it is anything that creates over a joule of energy. When my boys were young, I wanted to buy them a Red Ryder pellet gun and was told it would have to be on my FAC. Needless to say I didn't bother 

I am not sure of limits of guns you can have. I know of sone folk who have over 40 and seem to have no issues but I was asked a lot of questions when I wanted to add a 6th shotgun last year yet there were no questions asked when I added a second centre fire rifle for stalking. As long as you can prove the need for the guns I think you will get them but there is a fair old wait at the minute. I was told it is about 3 months and one of my sons is currently waiting over 5 months for an initial grant of his FAC.

So to answer the question I am sure there is no issue having a .22 and a .177 ( or multiples of) as long as you can prove there is a different need for each one.

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