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Far too cold for this 💩!


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It seemed a nice day when I let the dog out this morning, and despite a bit of drizzle I went ahead with my intent to take the ferret out for a bit of bunny bolting. 
I’ve had the Benelli SBE since the New Year but haven’t fired it yet and was chomping at the bit, so after feeding Fergus a minimum amount just to take the edge off, and bunging enough coats into the vehicle to cater for all occasions ( too hot, too cold, not bulky but windproof etc etc ) set off for a mates farm. 
The wind was BALTIC when I got there  so donned my warmest coat while mentally rollicking myself for not bringing a snood ( the one I leave in the vehicle having been removed for a reason I can’t now recall! ) slung the shotgun and set off through the yard. That cold wind just got colder once I’d left the shelter of the buildings but I hadn’t far to go, and once across the railway and the slurry pit another 20 yards further I put down the ferret box, inserted ear plugs and loaded 6 rounds of 30grm 6’s….red ones. 
Plenty of signs of activity but after Fergus had been down at least six there was no joy. Either there was no one home or the burrow was that big underground they were simply giving him the dodge without having to surface. 
Made a note to tell a mate who has several ferrets and we’ll return. 
Boxed the ferret and moved onto a fairly steep banking about 100 yds away which has no cover whatsoever and is perfect for bolting rabbits. 
The walk up the hill warmed me up a tad, so once I’d caught my breath, put Fergus down the nearest hole. 
Within a couple of seconds I heard a squeal, and a rabbit appeared with Fergus attached! They were still in the hole when the rabbit broke free and made off uphill but I rolled it over before it made it to another hole, and it lay dead as tufts of fur blew away from it in the wind. 
Pleased with myself and the gun I popped the ferret down a second hole and waited, and waited, which was a sign he’d cornered something. Debated collecting the dead rabbit but knew Sod’s Law would apply, so left it, and sure enough a rabbit a bit the worse for wear bolted uphill. This one too was rolled over. 
Up popped the ferret with that ‘where’d it go?’ look on its face, so picked him up and placed him in another hole. 
This time was a proper wait and even with my warmest coat on I was growing cold just standing there waiting, until eventually another rabbit exploded from the ground. Missed it first shot but the second rolled it over just as it made it to a mound. I was sure it was dead, but found no sign of it except a small smattering of blood at the entrance to the hole. Nevermind. 
Really feeling cold now but thought I’d give it one more go, and another hole eventually produced another rabbit which rolled head over heels at the shot, but that too rolled into a hole. Annoying. 
Despite telling myself it wasn’t a good idea, I decided to put Fergus down the hole the rabbit had rolled into, telling myself it may still be wick, and to my surprise ( and great relief ) the ferret emerged much sooner than I thought he would, but very subdued and with a collar of smudged blood on his white coat! Couldn’t think what had happened, as he didn’t appear to be hurt, but he’d certainly lost interest. 🤷‍♂️

I’d had enough of the cold by now so boxed him, emptied the gun and gutted both rabbits, plopping an off cut from one of them into his box, then set off back to the vehicle. 
Anyhow, very pleased with the gun, although may either tighten the choke or up the loads before next. 
It was so nice to get that engine fired up and the seat heater on! 

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Certainly was a tad fresh out there today. I've had rabbits that have been hard hit only to kick themselves down a hole as the nerves fire off after death. Annoying. I found one of my two remaining ferrets dead at feed time one morning this week. The remaining hob is still fairly young but even though I've kept ferrets for years I think this will be my last as I'm not as healthy and able as I used to be. We shall see.

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