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I got one of a mate after he was sent 2 by mistake, strange things, his dog hated it and would run away from it. I used it once or twice with him and got 1 rook. I used it another time out on a field by my self and got a few coming in.


crows are meant to come in but I have not had any luck. You must also understand that they do not land but fly about in the air so it is not ideal for use with an airgun its best with shotguns.


Also as well as that after a while crows and rooks get to know what it is and then you can not use it in that area, I recon you could use it around 5-6 times. You must also if you decide to but one put a dead crow/rook by the feet of the owl.



hope this is some help



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To kill crows you need to find where they feed, next you need to build a hide and leave it 4 2 weeks 2 allow them 2 get to know it, you then need to sneak into the hide at dusk or right early morning before they wake up. You must also not park a car within a mile of the place or they will see it and then they will ****** off. If you are lucky enough to be in a rookery the same rules apply just sit in the hide and wait till they come to you. Crows/rooks have always been hard to decoy and the only real good way is to find an area where they feed and go to them. You can also feed areas where you have seen them so you get more coming in. crow decoys and ok but just make a bloody good hide and wait for them to come to you.





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i use owl decoys quite alot, i find only rooks and jackdaws try to mob the decoy, i use a set of 3/4 and full choke barrels which gives me more distance to shoot. only 1 or 2 birds actaully land and the rest usually just circle over the decoy. i find the best way to attract rooks etc. is to make a small fake rubbish dump on rough ground (make sure everything is weighed down so it cant blow away) and also a rabbit with its underbelly sliced and its guts hanging out makes a brilliant decoy for magpies and rooks. the best way to shoot rooks or magpies from my experience is find out were they are nesting and shoot them there(i know its sounds obvious espicially for rooks but magpies stick close by and come in close enough to shoot when theres an intruder near their nest.) :blink: phew breathe breathe

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