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Info on Decent Choke Key/Wrench for BSA 20G


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Does anyone know of a better choke key for a BSA Regent 20 bore.


The Std one is how shall I put it, not very good.!! :oops:


The chokes have 4 notches so I wondered if a Beretta one would fit.


Also does anyone know if any other chokes fit it apart from the Std. BSA ones.




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I'm fairly certain that the BSA is a rebranding of an overseas manufacturer, somebody like FAIR or RIZZINI. If you can identify the underlying manufacturer, you will probably be able to identify several "overbranded" gun types plus the original manufacturer's own brand as being compatible. Check the proof marks to see what country they were proofed in for a start. Most European manufacturer will have their guns proofed before the final finish in their home country, although some guns may be imported to the UK unproofed and be UK proofed. Even if they are UK proofed, the instructions or even the gun may guive a country / area / or even factory of origin. There may be cosmetic differences in guns from the same factory, but usually things like choke threads and wall thicknesses will be identical accross their whole production range, and may even mimic other big names.



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