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This Algerian friend of mine has a horse over here in Hassi Messaoud and its not kept in the beat of conditions as you can imagine

However when i saw it yesterday it was having some sort of muscular spasm

It would stretch all 4 legs out and stiffen up then draw a deep breath (like sucking in air)

I have seen this before in horses but cant remember what the cause is The horse which I saw previously was in a stable and was biting the stable half door whilst having the spasm

I dont remember if it is caused by colic of parasites in the intestine or just a bad habit they pick up

I would appreciate any help as I dont want this horse to suffer any more than he is already

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Asked me cousin about this, she says:-


(hope i remember everything)


the horse is cribbing, nothing to worry about..... BUT if it is doing it excessively(spl) it will in the long run make it's belly bloat and  thus it will suffer from colic. Check its belly and if in doubt get a vet in.


hope this helps all the best

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I would call the vet as soon as possible.  If unsure, waiting to see can sometimes make matters much worse.


Check to see if the horse has a temperature.  I know of someone last year whose horse suffered from a similar complaint, with a temperature.  It turned out to be grass sickness, which is extremely serious.  Get the vet immediately!

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YP & Hammergun thanks for the help


i think you are right about cribbing as it rings a bell

Its difficult to get a vet here as we are in the Sahara about 700km from Algiers

I dont think it will be a grass eating problem as we dont have any

This has put my mind at ease a bit


Thanks again

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