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Lotto rules

jonno 357

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One of my staff has got invovled in a pub dispute with his fellow drinking buddies about Camelot Lotto and the £10 for 3 numbers


He claims that if there are too many winners with 3 numbers on the lotto You are not guaranteed £10 payout it may be reduced to less than


Does annoy know the rules. He's been nagging me all afternoon to find out but have hit a brick wall



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If my memory serves me right, that is true. Camalot worked it out, in theory, that it was possible that a large % could have three numbers, ie; win a tenner.


To compensate this they changed the rules to favour themselves, so they could reduce the payout so Camalot would not be out of pocket.



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If my memory serves me right, that is true. Camalot worked it out, in theory, that it was possible that a large % could have three numbers, ie; win a tenner.


To compensate this they changed the rules to favour themselves, so they could reduce the payout so Camalot would not be out of pocket.




You don't know were I could find this info out on the web do you? Can't seem to find Lotto rules



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