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Coaching in the Bucks Area


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Hello all, as i'm fairly new to the sport i thought is was my best bet to get some coaching before i set off on my own. I started off with a short lesson down at jericho farm, which helped me get a grip of the basics,but some serious polishing was still in order.


Thankfully after joining this site Tony (Outlaw), said he would be more than willing to give me a hand, and for the last couple of weekends i have been going along with him, in the hope to improve my shooting. First lesson saw him checking my eye dominance, stance and generally improving my gun mount and swing. This was done at Drayton Parslow shooting ground. Where we completed a 100 bird sporting layout, which in high winds saw me hit a respectable 58.

After the lesson tony also showed me through gun cleaning, which was useful as i was slightly confused about the whole process.


This weekend was another new challenge at northampton sg near sydwell, where we completed not only a round of sporting but also a 100 skeet layout. This was excellent because everything i had been shown the previous week helped as i no longer had to think to much about as feet placement, swing etc.

After a few pointers from tony i shoot the 100 birds without to much need for any instruction, and managed a 64. By the end everything was coming together and i felt alot more relaxed and it was becoming more natural as i wasn't having to concentrate on every little thing. If it wasn't for some silly shooting i may of even managed a 20 ex 25, but alas that is something to aim for next time.


If anyone wants to get in contact with tony, PM me and i'll pass on your details.


Cheers Greg

Edited by fishybarney
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