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Beaters/Keepers day

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I did a walk and stand day on Tuesday with a good few others that beat, or have other halves that beat.

There were 20 or so guns so we split up into 2 halves, tossed a coin for stand or walk and off we went.

We managed 5 quite long drives and there were still a few birds about.

Total for the day seems almost irrelevant, which is always a sign of good day out, it was about 80 or so mixed partridge and pheasant.

Some shot very well, in fact one gun was an ex-instructor, and some didn't, mainly those who beat all year and shoot game once a year.

I shot 5 pheasant and a partridge and had a great day out in the country with a bunch of good people.


The weather was more like spring than January :good:



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well done bud some nice shooting


We had our Keepers Day yesterday. I am still trying to dry out.....oops!!!


Morning was dire!!!! But the wind pushed the birds around like sky rockets and we also had 2 flocks of 100 plus pigeons floating around.


Shooting was very very testing and boy did it rain until about 2pm when it calmed down a bit. Last drive saw me on the exposed side of a wood and we had a sleet cloud burst and 40mph winds. Top half of me was fine though things were starting to get a bit damp around the nexk, legs did not fair so well.


Into the pub for food and drinks as as I sat down the water literally oozed out of my moleskins. I moved closer to the fire and started to steam gently for an hour or so.


I then went back out for a mooch around and into one of the covers to see if the pigeon would play ball roosting. No one wanted to join me so on my own.


Had a fantastic 30mins. Birds coming in at all angles and at speed, ended up with just over a dozen before it got too dark.


Then swapped over to the rifle for a quick charlie check but did not see anything.


High light of the day though was on the first wood beating, almost stepped on a roe buck which then jumped up and brushed paste me nearly knocking me over. Antlers in full velvet and looking in great condition.



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